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Welcome to Residency!

First of all, welcome to residency! We all know how hard you have worked to reach this point, and congratulate you on it! We have brought together on this page all the relevant information you need to start your residency on the right foot. 

Read these pages to start off your residency well

Join the FMRQ

Some time before the start of their residency, each resident doctor receives an email including the membership application form. If you have started your residency but not received the email in question, write to

To Be Well Informed, Download the FMRQ Mobile App

The FMRQ mobile app is brimming with exclusive information

→ In particular, it contains information on the collective agreement and positions open. 

→ It contains a link so you can take out a free subscription to the Headspace meditation app, along with a telephone number for a 24/7 free psychological support service.

→ It also allows you to register for our events with just a few clicks.

If you haven’t already done so, download the app from the App Store or Google Play. If you’re having trouble connecting, email us at

*Attention, negotiation in progress*

To find out more, everything is in the app !

Negotiations are currently underway with the Ministry of Health and Social Services with a view to renewing the collective agreement which governs your working conditions. To find out everything about the meetings between the FMRQ negotiating committee and MSSS representatives, go to the FMRQ mobile app. L’info négo, which summarizes each negotiating session, can be found there.

Also, to be well informed:

Meet the Board of Directors

Learn more about the FMRQ’s 10 Board members.


Three-year Plan

The Board of Directors, following consultation with the delegates, determined the Federation’s overall objectives for a three-year period.

Highlights of the three-year plan 2023-2026

Raise the profile of the FMRQ

  • Foster joint, complementary action between the FMRQ and affiliated associations
  • Foster continuous improvement and development of our services to members
  • Lobby with respect to certification requirements, and the cost and relevance of certain exams
  • Maintain constant watch with respect to privacy and protection of personal information
  • Foster continuous improvement of work conditions and negociation of the collective agreement
  • Fight and prevent any form of psychological harassment (bullying)
  • Ensure monitoring and analysis of the implementation of Competence by Design (CBD)
  • Target a better work-life balance for members
  • Raise interest in family medicine
  • Ensure that all members have a position in Quebec on completing their training, in both FM and other specialties

In French only :

Collective Agreement

Consult the section of this site devoted to the 2015-2021 collective agreement currently in effect. With a few clicks, you will access the most frequently consulted topics, and will be guided in the interpretation of the different articles. Note that negotiations for the next collective agreement are currently underway and that 2015-2021 collective agreement remains in effect until it is renewed by the negotiating parties.

Malpractice Insurance

  • Malpractice insurance is included in the FMRQ’s collective agreement.
  • It provides coverage for all rotations recognized by the Collège des médecins du Québec, whether they take place in Quebec or elsewhere.
  • It covers legal action, even when filed after residency, for medical acts performed during residency.

Understanding the Rotation Validity Rule

The rotation validation policy requires you to perform 75% of your rotation in order for it to be valid.

This rule is not part of the collective agreement, but derives from university policies. So, while the basic concept is the same throughout Quebec, there are differences in each university. To learn about the points common to all universities, the days for which you are released and considered present under the 75% rule, and the days for which you are entitled to leave as stipulated in the collective agreement, but for which you are considered absent under the 75% rule, consult the page devoted to that topic

Rotation Validity Rule
0 %

How to Find out Whether a Call Schedule Complies With the Collective Agreement

Did you know you may perform a maximum of 6 call periods in an establishment and a maximum of 20 night calls in an establishment per 28-day period? That there is a limit on the number of weekends worked? This page contains all the information you need to find out whether your call duty complies with the collective agreement.

Study Leave, Conference Leave, and Vacation: What You Are Entitled to

The banks of vacation, study leave, release for conferences, or sick leave are granted on July 1 each year. If you do not complete a full academic year, your various types of leave and release will be prorated to time worked. Find on this page what you are entitled to each year.

    Travel, Accommodation, and Living Expenses: Reimbursements You Are Entitled to

    Did you know that for your travel, living, and accommodation expenses to be reimbursed, your rotation has to be mandatory, and must be performed more than 50 km from your home base and more than 50 km from your principal residence? Consult this page in particular to learn what you are entitled to, and where and how to apply for your reimbursement.

    R1 Welcoming Day, FMRQ Career Day, Symposium on PREMs . . . Consult this section so as not to miss anything about upcoming Federation-wide events.

    To learn about current salary scales

    Need advice concerning a failed rotation, program change, or any other assistance with university matters? We can help you, in complete confidentiality. 

    PEMs/PREMs in FM and PEMs in SP

    Guaranteeing a position for our members completing their residency in family medicine and other specialties in Quebec is an FMRQ priority

    Email the FMRQ at or with any questions you may have about the steps involved in obtaining a position, and concerning additional training (fellowships)

    Competence by Design (CBD) Approach to Teaching and Assessing Physicians

    Since July 2017, deployment of Competence by Design in specialties other than family medicine has continued in Quebec’s medical faculties. We monitor the impact of this training and assessment method in the different training sites. Surveys and discussion groups help us take stock of the situation in all disciplines, in the four faculties. A status report is drawn up each year and distributed to the main system stakeholders. 

    Consult the Year 1, Year 2, Year 3 and Year 4 study reports, along with the recommendations conveyed in particular to the medical faculties and the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.

    Health and Wellness: Resources to Help You

    For many years now, we have observed the impact of burnout and bullying in training sites. Other issues, such as parenthood, presenteeism, challenges facing international medical graduates, finances and debt, or transition from residency to practice, also influence our members’ health and wellness. 

    We are working on raising awareness in training sites and finding lasting solutions to these problems. In particular, we place at your disposal many backgrounders and tools to help you enhance the balance between your residency and your health and wellness.

    Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

    Whether for trouble at work, or for personal, spousal, family, or addiction problems…

    Quebec Physicians’ Health Program (QPHP)

    Receive peer support without charge.

    Psychological consultation

    If you have subscribed to Beneva’s Intermediate or Superior Insurance Plan, you will be reimbursed for up to $2,000 a year in consultation fees.

    UFMG Tour: FMRQ Meeting With You

    The FMRQ meets its members in each of the 50 university family medicine groups (UFMGs) across Quebec on an ongoing basis. These meetings enable us to answer members’ questions on various topics, including their rights, their work conditions, and issues associated with looking for a PEM or PREM. They also allow us to discuss topical issues in family medicine and validate the situation as experienced by resident doctors in those settings.

    Reduced UpToDate Subscription Rates

    As FMRQ members, you benefit from preferential rates on individual subscriptions to UpToDate.

    Free access to hundreds of meditation and relaxation programs for daily life

    Find out more

    Discover and Personalize Your Insurance Program

    Beneva Group Insurance Plan

    Participation in the FMRQ’s group insurance plan is mandatory, and coverage comes into effect following one month of continuous service.

    Sogemec Optional Life and Disability Insurance

    Supplementary life insurance and income replacement plan during your residency.

    TD Auto and Home Insurance

    Preferential rates are offered for auto and home insurance for owners, co-owners, and tenants.

    Receive Free Advice on Managing Your Finances

    Professionals’ Financial

    This partner offers financial consulting services, among other things.

    FMOQ Fund

    This partner offers group savings brokerage services, in particular.

    Take advantage of banking packages, cards, credit lines, and other products at preferential rates.


    RBC Royal Bank

    On behalf of the entire team, we wish you a residency that lives up to your expectations!

    Your Federation