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About us

The Fédération des médecins résident·e·s du Québec (FMRQ) is a professional union bringing together the resident doctor associations of Quebec’s four medical schools: University of Montreal, McGill University, University of Sherbrooke and Laval University (in Quebec City).


The study, defence and advancement of the financial, social, moral, academic and professional interests of the unions and their members.

The organization currently has some 4,000 members, headed for a practice in family medicine or in one of the 59 other specialties recognized in Quebec. The duration of postgraduate education in family medicine is two years, with the possibility of performing further training (fellowships), while in medical or surgical specialties it is about 5 years.

The Fédération des médecins résidents du Québec is responsible for the negotiation of the collective agreement, and ensures that it is complied with in training sites. It also negotiates a series of financial services and personal insurance services. In addition, it has among other things organized Career Day, a medical employment fair representing all regions of Quebec, for more than 20 years.

The Federation also represents its members on more than 50 organizations and committees which are forging the future of Quebec’s health care system and of medicine in Canada. It puts forward the concerns of the upcoming generation of physicians, along with the solutions they wish to bring so as to enhance access to health care and the quality of the medical act, in a constant concern for meeting the growing needs of the population and maintaining the excellence of medicine in Quebec.

To learn more about our values, see our Statement of principles and values (in French only).

➔You can also consult the FMRQ General By-law (in French only).

Among the issues which have prompted Federation leaders to speak out publicly over the years are :

Improving resident doctors’ working conditions and quality of life

The quality of postgraduate education

Physician resource planning and distribution in Quebec

Recognition of resident doctors’ role and their contribution to the health care system

In this context, the FMRQ regularly issues statements on the policies, draft legislation and regulations put forward by the Quebec government, and spotlights the inequities and negative impact of certain measures. The Federation also publishes documents and briefs putting forward resident doctors’ position on several major issues affecting Quebec society.

The FMRQ has a dozen permanent staff members. To get in touch with them, please click here.