Home PEMs / PREMs Family Medicine PREM in a GMF-U
Obtaining a PREM in a GMF-U
When the PREMs are announced, the DRMGs are notihed that a number of places are set aside for the recruitment of physicians in university family medicine groups (GMF-U, or UFMGs) to which the MSSS gives priority.
As soon as a candidate is identified to fill one of these positions, but no later than October 31, the director of the family medicine department of the medical faculty concerned must confirm his choice to the MSSS and the DRMG responsible for issuing the selected candidate’s compliance notice.
If, as of October 31, no UFMG applicant is recommended for the priorities identified, the sub-area PREM compliance notice is then released and returns to the regional pool. The position in the PREM is then no longer set aside for a UFMG position, and can be attributed to another candidate, who will meet other available priorities.
When an academic applicant comes forward during the year to fill a UFMG priority recruitment position, recruitment will be possible provided the person is selected by the director of the family medicine department of the medical faculty concerned and there is a position available in the sub-area’s PREM.
When a recruitment is used to meet priority academic needs, the DRMG may, on certain conditions and subject to approval from the Physician Resource Management Committee – General Practice (COGEM), grant a compliance notice over and above its regional target for authorized recruitment. The physician contemplated by the recruitment must :
- Qualify with respect to inter-regional mobility and have accumulated three years’ active practice within the meaning of the agreements (i.e., 600 billing days at $518 per day);
- Have obtained the recommendation of the director of the university family medicine department of the medical faculty concerned;
- Have the expected practice profile in line with the guidelines recognized by COGEM;
- Carry out all his patient registrations within the UFMG concerned.