Resident’s record
The establishment acknowledges that it is responsible for maintaining proper records of residents.
Each establishment in which you work keeps your employee file, which includes the documents listed in Article 8.02. The article refers to the establishment’s file, not to be confused with your postgraduate file held by the university. Thus, if you need your university file, you must contact the office of your faculty’s Associate Dean.
Information in resident’s record
- employment form;
- deduction at source forms;
- written information on the resident’s activities submitted by a committee of the Council of Physicians, Dentists and Pharmacists, a head of clinical department or the Director of Professional Services.
- medical examination reports;
- insurance forms;
- any opinions or rulings from a court of law involving the establishment and the resident;
- any requests for information and applications for leave;
- any disciplinary or other notices
Consultation of record
The resident may consult this record at any time during regular office hours and may obtain a copy of any paper or any document therein, and may, if he desires, append his version of the facts to a document appearing in this record.
The resident may ask to be accompanied by a representative of the association when consulting his record.
Pursuant to the Civil Code of Quebec, CQLR c. CCQ-1991, and the Act respecting Access to documents held by public bodies and the Protection of personal information, CQLR c. A-2.1, your employee file may contain only information relevant to the purpose of the said file. The latter must remain confidential in view of your fundamental right to privacy. In that regard, the establishment may not convey your file to third parties, unless it obtains your consent or is so authorized by the Act.
Furthermore, you may consult your employee file without charge, and obtain a copy of it. It will generally be available for consultation at the establishment’s Teaching Office. Also, under the Act, you could submit a request for rectification, correction, or deletion if the information is inaccurate, incomplete, or equivocal.
Evaluation report
If, within thirty (30) days after the end of a rotation, the resident has not received the evaluation report, he shall submit a request to the program director, who shall obtain it without delay. The same shall apply for the mid-rotation evaluation or any formative evaluation, when university rules or usage so require.
Rotation evaluations are not part of the resident’s file kept by the establishment. But a resident may ask his program director for a copy of his evaluation within 30 days of the end of the rotation. In some universities, residents receive a mid-rotation evaluation. In that case, it is important for that evaluation to be made available to the resident within a reasonable timeframe.
Balance of leave days
Within seven (7) working days following a request from the resident, the establishment shall notify him of his balance of leave days (vacation, conference days, study days, accumulated statutory holidays worked), including leave carried forward from the previous year.
The establishment is required to provide you with the number of days remaining in your leave banks, i.e., your vacation, conference days, study leave, accumulated statutory holidays worked, and leave carried forward from the previous year (study, conference, and vacation) within seven working days of your requesting it. Normally, the Teaching Office will be responsible for providing you with this information.