Home Member Benefits Financial Management Fonds FMOQ
- Financial Management -
Fonds FMOQ
Serving the medical community exclusively for nearly 45 years, Fonds FMOQ helps resident doctors achieve financial success:
- Budgeting and finance: Update your financial situation (debt management, capital accumulation, tax optimization). No charge, no obligation.
- Incorporation: Incorporating a medical practice can sometimes be beneficial, but in other cases is not worthwhile. Obtain a completely objective opinion as to whether this is a helpful approach for you.
- Medical billing: Let their experienced resources handle this particularly tedious task. Piece of mind, and more time for your practice.
- Investment advice: Quality guidance as you start investing. Objective recommendations in line with your reality and aspirations. Promotions for resident doctors.
- Financial talks and training. Time well spent on your financial health: www.fondsfmoq.com/nos-activites/ateliers-et-conferences.
- Multidisciplinary team
- Personalized strategies and solutions
- Relationship of trust for long-term guidance
- Available to meet with you when and where you choose
- Professionals paid on salary (not on commission) for objective recommendations
For more information, click on the Jeunes médecins tab on the Fonds FMOQ home page, or email info@fondsfmoq.com.